Location: Washington, D.C.
Intent: EHT Traceries was retained to contribute to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Long Bridge project in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The EIS will develop and consider alternatives to upgrade the Long Bridge corridor and will evaluate the impacts of those alternatives on environmental resources. FRA and DDOT are concurrently conducting a Section 106 consultation process to consider the effects of the project on historic properties. To support the Section 106 process, Traceries identified stakeholders, prepared initiation materials, and developed consulting party meeting presentations. Traceries is currently preparing an Assessment of Effects Report to evaluate direct and indirect effects generated by the project—including both aboveground and underwater archaeological resources and expansive views along the Potomac River corridor.
Client: CSX Transportation / Federal Railroad Administration
Size: 1.8-mile railroad corridor
Date: 2017-present